Verbose Validation of Verbage
I am a beer blogger.
I have the trip to the Beer Bloggers Conference to prove it.
I have the phone calls, texts, e-mails, tweets, Facebook messages and smoke signals
from people asking me for thoughts, and recommendations. I have the URL, and the
alter-ego. I have the late nights, staying up to finish a post. I have the days
at work, where something is just too important and I have to write it right
away (in a blank e-mail format). I’ve had the internal struggle between this
blog feeling like a job, and reminding myself it’s not, and then proceeding to
fuck off for weeks at a time to reset my brain. But then there have been the
times when I WANT this to be my job. I even have business cards.
I have a full on relationship with beer
I have given this blogging thing so much of myself, and have
a much closer relationship to beer than most folks. Like any type of relationship,
it has been wrought with Adoration and abhorrence. Id say my relationship right now with beer
and blogging is at the most healthiest it has ever been, even given the recent
public “ugh, beer” stance I seem to have taken, but there is far more to it.
With all of this, myself and a slew of other bloggers have decided to tackle the topic: “How has blogging verbed your relationship with beer?” And like with most topics, I don’t have a clear answer. Blogging has verbed my relationship with beers in more ways than I’m probably aware of, I’m sure. It’s been this weird cyclical adventure that has no end in sight. You are stuck with me forever.
Like most people, when this all started for me, I was absolutely enthralled by it all. I was 100% captivated by the small, loyal, and growing community that craft beer had. I had never been a part of anything, really. I love comic books, but with the Internet, fanboys really ruined it for me. Never been much of a sports fan, no religion, none of those things people can come together on and celebrate together. Needing something in my life I could attach to and become a part of, the beer scene was it. People sending beer to each other, helping hunt down hard to find stuff to trade for other hard to find stuff, extras, beer it forwards, all of those things. I signed up for a Beer Advocate account (my first mistake), and dove in head first.
The next spoke on this drunken wheel has to be submerged. Looking back, I can find the first time I took the proverbial plunge. This little bar in Colchester, CT had put out a Facebook update about them getting one of the 3 kegs of Ballast Point Sculpin. I scheduled my whole day around it, went there with a pen and paper, and got busy. I ordered my beer, and hurried off to a quiet corner. I sat down with my pint glass of this “rare” beer, sniffing it, writing, sipping it, writing, sniffing it again, and writing more. I looked like a weirdo, and I didn't care. I ended up writing a pretty bad post about it. And I couldn't have been more excited. But that’s really the first time I can pinpoint hunting down stuff, and really going for it. A few weeks after that, I left work early to get to the beer store to pick up the newly released Chocolate Truffle Stout from Hooker Brewing. Before I knew it, I was looking for Heady Topper, Pliney, and Hills Farmstead, the holy trinity of beers that bros need to hunt down. Because mad raer whaelz, bro.
I bought anything I could get my hands on, spending way too
money and time on this. I was in deep. I was part of this craft beer revolution
that was taking place in our county. I spouted off at length (ignorantly at
that) about lawsuits between breweries about how the brewery suing another one
was a total jerk. I slammed BMC products, I did all the beer snobby stuff that
beer snobs do. I was the proverbial cheerleader.
Remember how I said this was a cyclical adventure? Well,
this wheel has rolled over vexed. To
many on the Internet, I am just some cussing, stomping, whining mouth
breather. And uh…that’s not too far from
the truth. But really, I just couldn't sit idly by while I watched this thing that
I love kill itself from the inside out. Between my blog, my social media spots,
and even a guest post, I complained vocally about the constant cheerleading of
beer, and how it can prove to be detrimental. I complained about beer bloggers
not doing their part to be influential and a guiding voice. I complained about
all this Kickstarter nonsense, be it from large breweries, to un-established
breweries. Even attacked Bloggers using it to fund their beercation (read:
conference). I complained about all the crappy beer that is being held in such
high regard because it is local. I complained about most of the same things
that earlier in this relationship, I lauded. I was confused. Where did the purity of this thing I love so much, go?
I have since come to appreciate that beer is first and
foremost, a business, and it should be treated as such. I realize that we are
not a part of some revolution, we are consumers. There is nothing wrong with
loving the product, nothing wrong with that at all. But these happy shiny
blinders that people seem to have on, are silly.
“Beer evangelism is dangerous. It makes people think that this is a movement. We are not Woody Guthrie or Joe Strummer. We are not Cesar Chavez or Mahatma Gandhi. We're a bunch of slightly drunk middle class people who wear a little too much plaid and don't like shaving and we like good beer. To pretend that you're a rebel because of a purchasing decision is the kind of thing that Apple would love for you to continue to believe, but Steve Jobs wasn't the messiah and neither are the boys at 10 Barrel”
– Comment on Beervana
And when this eventual wheel comes near its full circle, I’m
at a point where I've reach zen of sorts. I’m in a place where I am completely
contented with my relationship with beer, both as a drink, and as a hobby. I’m at
ease with where I am in any role to be someone to come to with information. I don’t sit and sniff my beers and swirl and
sip and take notes. I open my beer, and drink it. I don’t care what small
brewery is bought by a bigger one, as long as the beer is good. I don’t care
about whatever super rare release is on the other side of the country, and what
bottles I need to line up to try and trade for it. I don’t care about any of
that. I just want to drink my beer, be surrounded
by people I love, in a place that I like.
I’m still not sure where this relationship is going. Like most, it has had it's ups and downs, and the future is always unclear. But right now, I feel safe where I am.
I’m still not sure where this relationship is going. Like most, it has had it's ups and downs, and the future is always unclear. But right now, I feel safe where I am.
Josh from Short on Beer: Beer blogging has ______ my relationship with beer.
Douglas from Baltimore Bistros & Beer: Beer Blogging and My Relationship With Beer
Bryan from This Is Why I'm Drunk: It’s My Relationship and I Can Cry if I Want To
Oliver from Literature & Libation: Why Blog?
Liz from Naptown Pint: Which Came First? The Beer or the Blogging?
Oliver from Literature & Libation: Why Blog?
Liz from Naptown Pint: Which Came First? The Beer or the Blogging?